The reading by Brannon inspired me to create this picture as the reading asked many questions that I myself have wrestled with since the study of media. The main concern I have often had is over the perseveration of history since the introduction on the Internet and the laser printer, as well as the reliability/validity of text that we as the audience are currently consuming.


One sentence from this week’s readings really stood out to me and inspired me to create the above picture. “The printing press became an agent of change in the right place at the right time” Brannon (page 359). This stood out because it reminded me that at each stage in history a new change came about that brought fear and excitement to its generation. While we can worry or try to predict how the laser printer will change our society for good and or evil we must be reminded that each generation has gone through change with each change birthing new life for future expression and exploration or ideas.

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After reading Eisenstein and Brannon’s writings I became interested in learning about what the current shift is for the printing world. My research led me to create this picture because it is a visual representation of how technology is always moving in different directions and helping us to arrive to new technological destinations. In particular my research led me to an interesting video debate on 3D printing which is the latest shift in the printing world. This debate looked at the implications that 3D printing would have on the world and asked the question how will 3D printing change the world for better or worse?

To watch the thirty minute debate click on the link:

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By Monique Campanella


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